
commissions gallery


commissions gallery

samples (ノ°▽°)


commissions gallery

prices (*゚ー゚)ゞ

These are my commission prices for non-commercial work. For commercial pricing, please email me.

Pricing format is:
Sketch/Lineart/Greyscale/Full Colour

Full Body:

Character Design:
Basic (£200): You give a description of the character and references. I will update you with sketches and colours and you can make minor alterations at these stages, but any alterations to the final character will be charged at £30/h.Intensive (£400): We have a detailed consultation on what you want your character to look like. After providing reference, you will receive a sheet of thumbnails and you can choose which one you would like to go with. I will do 5 iterations of this character and refine the details, with colour scheme options for each one. At this point, we will have another detailed discussion. I will then present you with a character sheet with turnarounds of your finalized character design. Any further alterations after this stage will be charged at £30/hr.Optional character portrait (+£60) and expression sheet (+£60) at discount prices with the character design packages.

Will/Won't Dos:
Will do: couples, furry, mech, realism, nudity, chibi.Won’t do: sexually explicit, gore (except blood/small wounds), fetish art, anything illegal, AI paintovers.I am open to conversation about pushing these boundaries, but in general these are hard lines.


commissions gallery

tos ᕙ(‾̀◡‾́)ᕗ

By commissioning me, you agree to the terms of service written below. (It’s long but important!)

Do not alter my art in any way or use it in AI datasets.
Commissioned work will be posted on my social media and portfolio with a heavy watermark.
You consent to be contacted via email regarding any commission requests.
I will only use the data you provide to fulfil the commission request.
The prices listed reflect the resources, time and work put into creating the specified piece and are not up for negotiation.
You are able to pay the cost of the art piece in full at the time of commissioning.
Any designs will be based on the references and descriptions you provide.

All payments via paypal.
Character design commissions are paid upfront in full.
Sketch only commissions are paid upfront in full.
All other commissions are paid upfront or 50% before sketch and 50% after sketch.
All prices are for non-commercial use only. For commercial licensing, please discuss with me via email.
All prices shown may vary depending on complexity and amount of characters.

If you realise you are unable to pay, contact me ASAP via email.
No refunds are given after the rendering phase has started. Partial refunds are given after the sketch phase has started (unless you are commissioning a sketch). Full refunds are only given if you contact me before I have started working.
If you want to resume the commission at any point, email me and we’ll get back on track!

Estimated time will take around 5-14 days for each slot depending on complexity.
Splash art or more intensive illustrations will take up to a month.
Rush commissions are available but are charged at 50% extra.

Please send good references and detailed descriptions for your piece. These include: hi-res images, detailed clothing reference/description, 3d models etc.
I will not copy anyone else's art nor incorporate it into my work unless it is your own or you hold the rights to it.
Max revisions: 3 (minor revisions only, extra charge for any major revisions after the sketch stage)

All final work will be high resolution and signed.
All works will be displayed online and in my portfolio with a large commission watermark over the piece.
Updates via email at all (sketch/lineart/colour/render) stages. Minor alterations/suggestions are fine at each stage. Please note that my render stage often changes the proportions and details of earlier stages as shown below:


commissions gallery

queue (*゚ー゚)ゞ



commissions gallery

contact (◕⍸ ◕✿)

for all commission enquiries:
[email protected]